This is our Year 1 and 2 class. Our class teacher is Mrs Breheny and our Teaching Assistant is Mrs Ditchfield. We have P.E. on a Monday and Tuesday and Forest School on alternate Thursday's. Please ensure your child has appropriate clothing in school for each activity. We change our reading books on a Friday and ideally children will read at home at least 4 times a week.
Please see our PowerPoint presentation for more information about joining Team Lucas.
Life in Team Lucas
Year 1 is a very busy year as we start working on the national curriculum. There is so much to learn and lots of fun to be had and we work as one big team encouraging everyone as we learn.
Year 2 children will be provided with spellings each Monday starting later in the Autumn term. These will be sent through our online platform Purple Mash via your child's email account. Children will be required to practise these spellings and know the meaning of them. Children will be required to read at home daily to consolidate their phonics knowledge, improve reading fluency and comprehension skills.
There will be opportunities to become part of our School and Eco Council. Children will be able to nominate themselves for these roles and create their own manifestos. The positions will be decided as each member of the class cast their votes. Other exciting roles within the class include P.S.H.E. Ambassador and Spiritual Leaders.
Throughout the course of the year, pupils continue to develop a love of learning. They take part in many hands on activities in which knowledge sticks and enhances learning experiences enabling them to become lifelong learners. Our Twitter feed gives you a flavour and keeps you up to date with some of the activities that the children have taken part in.
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Mrs Breheny | Mrs Ditchfield |
Knowledge Organisers
A Knowledge Organiser is a set of key vocabulary, facts and information on a topic that your child needs to be able to know and recall by the end of the topic. Please use these at home as conversation starters to discuss learning and as a way of helping your child commit their learning to long-term memory (for example, you may want to cut up the vocabulary and meanings and play matching pairs or encourage your child to learn how to spell the words).
Computing Knowledge Organisers
Autumn Term Knowledge Organisers
Science - Materials Knowledge Organiser
Geography - Land and Sea Knowledge Organiser
History - Grace Darling Knowledge Organiser
R.E. - My World Jesus' World Knowledge Organiser
R.E. - The Bible Knowledge Organiser
R.E. - Harvest Knowledge Organiser
R.E. - Christmas (Year 1) Knowledge Organiser
R.E. - Christmas Knowledge Organiser
Spring Term Knowledge Organisers
Geography - Hot & Cold Places (Kenya)
R.E. - Jesus Friend to Everyone
Summer Term Knowledge Organisers
History - Beyond Living Memory, Flying
Geography - Newburgh Human & Physical
Please visit our Reading at Home page for advice and ideas to support developing reading skills.
Enrichment Opportunities in Team Lucas
Spiritual Leaders
Please see our Spritiual Leaders page for more information.
School Council
Please see our School Council page for more information.
Eco Council
Please see our Eco Council page of our website for more information.
PSHE Ambassador
Please see our PSHE Ambassadors page of our website for more information.
Phonics Screening
In the summer term Year 1 children participate in the Statutory Phonics Screening assessment. This statutory test checks children's ability to apply phonics to decode real and nonsense words. Our phonics screening presentation gives more information about this.
Useful Links
Purple Mash - an award winning website for nursery and primary school children. It enables children to explore and enhance their learning in a fun and creative way. Children have logins for this in their Reading Diary.
BBC Bitesize Primary - this has some fantastic resources that cover all the areas across the curriculum.
Hit the Button - an online platform to support the four operations that can be accessed for free.
Oxford Owl - free resources to support learning at home including free eBooks for 3-11 year old children and educational activities and games.