50 Things To Do At Newburgh

50 Things To Do At Newburgh


We believe in providing children wiht opportunities and experiences beyond the traditional curriculum. Every child at Newburgh has a 50 Things To Do At Newburgh book.


In this book there is list of 50 things we believe children should experience while here so they leave us as well rounded individuals. These things may help prepare them for the next stage in life (learning to put on a tie, polish shoes) or they may be specific to our local area (spot migrating geese), some may be things every child should do at least once (jump in a puddle with both feet, build a den, toast a marshmallow over a campfire). When an activity is completed evidence is put into this book which children will receive as a souvenir of their time here when they leave us at the end of Year 6.


1. Do 7 things for charity.

2. Participate in local community events.

3. Grow vegetables and eat them.

4. Spot migrating geese.

5. Build a snowman.

6. Support a sporting event.

7. Fly a kite that you have made.

8. Participate in a before or after school club.

9. Be involved in a school production.

10. Host an event for an older adult - EYFS/Key Stage 1

11. Host an event for an older adult - Key Stage 2

12. Learn some sign language.

13. Buy a stamp and post a letter.

14. Say 'hello' in multiple languages.

15. Jump in a puddle with two feet.

16. Learn the names of garden birds and their bird song.

17. Learn your own address.

18. Learn first aid.

19. Build a den.

20. Toast a marshmallow on a camp fire.

21. Roll down a hill.

22. Visit different places of worship (our church, another religious building, Liverpool Cathedral).

23. Look after a school pet.

24. Organise a teddy bear's picnic.

25. Be a responsible consumer.

26. Follow a recipe.

27. Learn how to sew.

28. Learn to shake hands.

29. Walk to a local landmark.

30. Feed the ducks on the canal.

31. Learn to polish shoes.

32. Identify wild flowers in the local area.

33. Identify the names of trees in the local area.

34. Learn how to sew on a button.

35. Adopt an endangered animal.

36. Use a map and a compass.

37. Camp out.

38. Communicate with someone in another country.

39. Go to the theatre.

40. Learn C.P.R.

41. Learn how to make a bed.

42. Learn water safety skills.

43. Learn to play cards.

44. Make your own packed lunch.

45. Learn how to put on a tie.

46. Star gaze.

47. Learn how to tie three knots.

48. Learn to fasten your shoe laces.

49. Play a board game.

50. Go on a bus.

50 Things To Do At Newburgh

50 Things To Do At Newburgh


We believe in providing children wiht opportunities and experiences beyond the traditional curriculum. Every child at Newburgh has a 50 Things To Do At Newburgh book.


In this book there is list of 50 things we believe children should experience while here so they leave us as well rounded individuals. These things may help prepare them for the next stage in life (learning to put on a tie, polish shoes) or they may be specific to our local area (spot migrating geese), some may be things every child should do at least once (jump in a puddle with both feet, build a den, toast a marshmallow over a campfire). When an activity is completed evidence is put into this book which children will receive as a souvenir of their time here when they leave us at the end of Year 6.


1. Do 7 things for charity.

2. Participate in local community events.

3. Grow vegetables and eat them.

4. Spot migrating geese.

5. Build a snowman.

6. Support a sporting event.

7. Fly a kite that you have made.

8. Participate in a before or after school club.

9. Be involved in a school production.

10. Host an event for an older adult - EYFS/Key Stage 1

11. Host an event for an older adult - Key Stage 2

12. Learn some sign language.

13. Buy a stamp and post a letter.

14. Say 'hello' in multiple languages.

15. Jump in a puddle with two feet.

16. Learn the names of garden birds and their bird song.

17. Learn your own address.

18. Learn first aid.

19. Build a den.

20. Toast a marshmallow on a camp fire.

21. Roll down a hill.

22. Visit different places of worship (our church, another religious building, Liverpool Cathedral).

23. Look after a school pet.

24. Organise a teddy bear's picnic.

25. Be a responsible consumer.

26. Follow a recipe.

27. Learn how to sew.

28. Learn to shake hands.

29. Walk to a local landmark.

30. Feed the ducks on the canal.

31. Learn to polish shoes.

32. Identify wild flowers in the local area.

33. Identify the names of trees in the local area.

34. Learn how to sew on a button.

35. Adopt an endangered animal.

36. Use a map and a compass.

37. Camp out.

38. Communicate with someone in another country.

39. Go to the theatre.

40. Learn C.P.R.

41. Learn how to make a bed.

42. Learn water safety skills.

43. Learn to play cards.

44. Make your own packed lunch.

45. Learn how to put on a tie.

46. Star gaze.

47. Learn how to tie three knots.

48. Learn to fasten your shoe laces.

49. Play a board game.

50. Go on a bus.