Music Overview


Music is a key priority at Newburgh CE School and it is embedded within our curriculum and our daily school life. Every child at school participates in quality Music lessons, from our Nursery pupils, right through to Year 6. In addition to weekly Music lessons, singing and musical activities are incorporated into our daily activities in a range of curriculum subjects and also in our whole school Collective Worships. We work alongside the Lancashire Music Service and we use a range of resources to deliver our Music curriculum. These include Charanga, BBC Ten pieces and other recommended resources.


At Newburgh CE School we are proud of our commitment to our Creative Curriculum and as a staff we promote the use of Music to enhance teaching and learning throughout a range of subjects. We use pieces of music as a starting point and to spark initial interest in a variety of curriculum areas. We also have a very successful extra-curricular Breakfast Club Choir that is run by one of our Music specialist teachers. This is an extremely popular club with our pupils and the children have thoroughly enjoyed performing at a range of school and church services throughout the academic year.


We also ensure that our pupils have the opportunity to learn how to play tuned instruments including the ukulele and violin and also how to accompany pieces of music using a range of un-tuned percussion instruments. We want to inspire our pupils to become musicians and to develop and transfer their skills to a range of instruments that interest them. We encourage our pupils to demonstrate their musical skills that they have gained from these sessions within our class Music lessons and we celebrate their successes and talents.


We provide our pupils these key musical opportunities and teach the following skills:

  • An understanding of musical elements and vocabulary;
  • Opportunities to perform individually or as part of a group (singing and playing instruments);
  • Tasks that involve improvisation skills and develop confidence in their musical ability;
  • Activities that involve composition and pupils being able to write their own pieces of music using symbols and simple notation;
  • Listening, evaluating and appraising a wide range of pieces from different musical genres and styles;
  • Singing activities and body percussion;
  • Activities that involve developing listening skills and encourage pupils to express themselves and their opinions in relation to music;
  • Opportunities to listen to live music from a range of musicians and school trips focused upon music and singing;
  • Participation in whole school productions/plays, class Collective Worships and performances where music plays a vital role.
  • Lunchtime piano playing provided whilst we eat by our budding pianists.


Music Whole School Curriculum

Key Music Vocabulary Years R - 6

Music Policy

Experiencing Music at Newburgh

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