Welcome from the Chair of the PTA 

Hello All!

My name is Catherine and I currently Chair the PTA. I would like to extend a warm welcome to all new parents and existing. We have another Jam packed year ahead and I am looking forward to leading our fundraising this year to support our fabulous community within Newburgh  School. We are a group united by our children and our goal is to raise precious funds in these challenging times.

Our next PTA meeting is Tuesday 23rd January and we'd love to see you there.

Please take this opportunity to pop in and say hello and share your ideas. However big or small your contribution it makes a huge difference!

Look out for me on the playground, I only have one child left at Newburgh (Summer, Year 6), so it would be lovely to meet some newbies.

Look forward to seeing you all,

Cathie Williams

PTA Chair


PTA Minutes 30.04.24

PTA Minutes 23.01.24

PTA Winter 2024 Newsletter


PTA Representatives

Jennie Williams

Jennie Williams

Philippa Howard

Philippa Howard

Chrissy Quirk

Chrissy Quirk

Why does the school have a PTA?


Our group is called Newburgh School PTA and we are a lively group of volunteers. The main function of the PTA is to support the school by raising as much money as we can to enhance, enrich and improve learning experiences for the children. We also provide those 'little extras' that make school memorable such as selection boxes for every child at Christmas and Leavers' hoodies for Year 6 children.


We also exist to bring the communities of school and home closer together because it makes sense for parents to be involved in the life of their chosen school.


Lastly we're here for the simple reason that we want to get together socially, meet new people and have fun.


The PTA is run by a committee who are all volunteers. We also have a class representative for each year group who passes on communications through the What's App groups. Mrs Fowler attends the PTA meetings as the school representative.


We are a group of parents, carers, friends and allies working together to support the school so our children have the best possible experience here.


Recent events held and how much we made:


Donut Sale - £284.00

Christmas Card Designs - £80.00

Tea Towel Sale (with children's self portraits) - £540.00

Christmas Wreath Making Workshop - £270.00

Mother's Day Pamper Hamper Raffle - £300.00

Second Hand Uniform Sale - £70.00

Easter Bingo Event - £500.00

Jubilee Bake Off & Cake Sale - £280.00

Father's Day Secret Shop - £200.00

100 Club September - August - £2000.00


What we have funded:


Playground Equipment - for all children to have quality play time promoting social interaction and developing self confidence.

Investigation Station - An improved covered area at the top of the playground for children to explore the natural world and discover local plants, trees and wildlife.

Tablets - All Key Stage 2 children have access to a table to use during lessons to promote independent learning.

Art Installation - All children worked with a local artist to produce works of art on permanent display in school.

Welcome Book - All Reception children receive a book from the PTA to promote a love of reading and celebrate the start of a reading journey.

Christmas Crackers & Selection Boxes - To enhance Christmas celebrations children have crackers with their Christmas dinner and receive a selection box off Father Christmas.

Picture News Resource - A current affairs resource supporting Personal, Social and Health Education.

Online Safety Training for Parents - Training provided for free to support parents to keep children safe in an online world.

Jubilee Keyring - To celebrate the Platinum Jubilee every child received a commemorative keyring.

Leaver's Hoodies, Bowling & LaserQuest Trip - To celebrate the end of their time at Newburgh all Year 6 children receive a hoodie and a free trip to bowling/laserquest.


How we keep you up to date


Newsletter - Events and updates can be found on the school Newsletter each Friday.

What's App - Your year representative will post PTA notices on your What's App group.

Website - This page on the website is updated regularly.


Instagram :


What are we raising money for next?


We have a wildlife area on the school grounds that we want to enhance and upgrade to become a spiritual garden. A Spiritual Garden would offer children and our community a space to reflect and enjoy the peace and quiet of a garden. We would like to include sensory stimulating items such as wind chimes or fragrant plants. Currently the area is overgrown and not utilised fully. We hope this work will create an additional area of our incredible outside space for school to use.

We would also like to buy new outdoor furniture to improve the Willow Dome Area.


How can you get involved?


You are all members of the PTA, there is no need to join up. There are always opportunities to help out with events or contribute fundraising ideas. Even if you only have a small amount of time, we appreciate any help you can give, from helping to set up an event, serving refreshments or designing a poster. Do you have a professional skill you can help us with? You don't even have to come to school, many of our volunteering tasks can be done from home.


We'd love to hear from you, Chrissy, in the school office is the contact for all new parents wanting information about the PTA and our activities. You can either ring 01257 462916 or email


How you can support us right now.


You can start fundraising for us immediately. There are a couple of things you can do straightaway:


Join the 100 Club


We have a monthly 100 Club (like a lottery). Numbers can be purchased for £1 to enter in the draw to win £25 and there is a bonus £50 draw in December. You can join or leave the 100 Club at any time. All you have to do is set up a Standing Order for the amount you wish to donate each month with your bank using the following details:

Newburgh School PTA 100fund Business Current Account     16-27-25    10015614

Please use your child's name as the reference and let Chrissy in the office know either by phone or email confirming how many numbers you are buying each month and you will be entered into the next draw.


Donate to the PTA through Amazon Smile


Are you planning on starting your Christmas shopping? Our PTA have set up an Amazon Smile account so when you shop online using your existing Amazon account, Amazon donates 0.5% of the net purchase price of eligible purchases to our PTA, raising funds for our wonderful School. This will be all year round not just at Christmas time. You just need to follow these steps to activate your Amazon smile account.


Newburgh Ce Primary School Pta


  • Follow the steps to register. You are now ready to shop if you just use the amazon webpage to place your order, HOWEVER if you use the Amazon app the next step is crucial.
  • Activate your smile account on your Amazon app;
    1. Log out of your app and then log back in to allow it to update.
    2. Go into Menu → Settings → Amazon Smile →Turn On Amazon Smile. (If your App doesn’t show Amazon Smile in settings, leave it for a few hours and repeat step 4.)
  • Please share this document with other family members so they can support our school whilst they shop.


PTA AGM 29.09.22


All were warmly welcomed to the meeting.  The fundraising events of last year were celebrated and the PTA year group representatives were thanked as they have helped form links between all parents and the PTA which has been really valuable.


Fundraising ideas for the year ahead were shared including a social night (possibly a Race Night), a school fair and a calendar. It was agreed at the meeting to run the Christmas card designs again as parents like to purchase their children's artwork to give as cards and presents. It was suggested that income for this may be enhanced by holding a Christmas Card Design Workshop after school and by creating packs of materials for parents to purchase to make a Christmas card design.


It was also suggested that class parents work together to fundraise for the PTA. This may work best by joining classes together for example EYFS (Nursery and Reception): Key Stage 1 (Halton & Lucas), Lower Key Stage 2 (Rigby) and Upper Key Stage 2 (Venables). It was stressed that fundraising could be as simple as a raffle at a Christmas production.


It was also suggested that parents be encouraged to join the 100 Club to raise funds without having to do anything.


The plans for the Spiritual Garden were shared and it was suggested that parents could sponsor a plant to go in the area.