

Home learning can make and important contribution to a child's progress at school. As well as reinforcing learning in the classroom, homework helps children to develop the skills and attitudes they will need for successful independent life-long learning. Tapestry in Early Years is our communication tool with families to support home learning and home school links. We find that the sharing of photographs of experiences from home are a great opener for children to develop their communication and language skills. In Key Stage 1 and 2, we have knowledge organisers on the class pages of our website that offer support to families wiht home learning. These contain key vocabulary, knowledge and texts for topics studied.


Tasks are planned to appropriately challenge all pupils. Weekly activities focus on literacy and mathematics to reinforce and consolidate skills taught. Often whole-school homework challenges are set which provides an opportunity for children to think creatively and produce their own form of response for example a model or a piece of art work, a project, a presentation, extreme reading, a recount following a family visit.

Summer Holiday Challenges


In the summer term 2024 all children planted sunflower seeds courtesy of Wilton House Farm Shop. They were challenged to grow their sunflowers over the summer holidays and send in photographs in September. The tallest sunflowers won an ice cream from Wilton House Farm Shop. Well done to everyone who succeeded in enhancing our local environment with super sunflowers.


We also challenged children to read in the most extreme place possible and send in their photographs. The winning entry (below) won the Ron Mills Reading Award Trophy.

Sunflowers 2024
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Extreme Reading Winning Entry 2024



Home learning can make and important contribution to a child's progress at school. As well as reinforcing learning in the classroom, homework helps children to develop the skills and attitudes they will need for successful independent life-long learning. Tapestry in Early Years is our communication tool with families to support home learning and home school links. We find that the sharing of photographs of experiences from home are a great opener for children to develop their communication and language skills. In Key Stage 1 and 2, we have knowledge organisers on the class pages of our website that offer support to families wiht home learning. These contain key vocabulary, knowledge and texts for topics studied.


Tasks are planned to appropriately challenge all pupils. Weekly activities focus on literacy and mathematics to reinforce and consolidate skills taught. Often whole-school homework challenges are set which provides an opportunity for children to think creatively and produce their own form of response for example a model or a piece of art work, a project, a presentation, extreme reading, a recount following a family visit.

Summer Holiday Challenges


In the summer term 2024 all children planted sunflower seeds courtesy of Wilton House Farm Shop. They were challenged to grow their sunflowers over the summer holidays and send in photographs in September. The tallest sunflowers won an ice cream from Wilton House Farm Shop. Well done to everyone who succeeded in enhancing our local environment with super sunflowers.


We also challenged children to read in the most extreme place possible and send in their photographs. The winning entry (below) won the Ron Mills Reading Award Trophy.

Sunflowers 2024
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Extreme Reading Winning Entry 2024