Gospel Families



Children at Newburgh C.E. Primary School are placed into a Gospel Family when they are in Reception. They will stay in this family for the duration of their time here. Our families are named after some of the incredible trees we have on our school site. Children have the opportunity to win points every day and the family with the most points are celebrated each week on Friday in our Celebration Assembly. Once a term our Gospel Families come together to learn about the new gospel value for that term and complete work together on this.


As a Church of England primary school Christian values are at the heart of everything we do. We have six Gospel Values:-









We look at one Gospel Value per term. Children are introduced to the Gospel Value for that term in their School Families during a half day session at the start of term and they are then encouraged to model this value in school.



Our Families all participated in activities to learn and experience Respect. Our Spiritual Leaders produced this presentation delivered in Assembly. We learned about the importance of treating others, ourselves, property and our environment respectfully.

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We used this value to reinforce our postive mindset of 'I can't do it......yet'


Hope Assembly

Hope Gallery
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What have you to be thankful for?

This was our key question in our opening worship to launch our new Gospel Value.


We thought carefully about the lines in the acrostic poem:

Thankfulness is:

Thinking of good things

Happy memories

All creation praising God

Not taking anything for granted

Keeping focussed on the positive

Feeling blessed

Understanding the sacrifices people make for us

Living joyfully

Not complaining

Expressing gratitude to God

Saying thank you to those who help us

Showing gratefulness by our deeds


We used the fingers on our hand as well as our thumb to be thankful for the following:

  • Nature
  • Our friends
  • Our family
  • Our local community
  • Our own talents


Each Gospel Family created a card of thanks to different people and organisations that we are thankful for at Newburgh. A range of activities took place during our Thankfulness afternoon.

Thankfulness Gallery
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