PSHE Overview


PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) teaching underpins all that we do at Newburgh School and PSHE curriculum is supported by our whole school vision and ethos. We are committed to providing high quality educational experiences for our pupils and we ensure that all children are listened to and that their opinions and ideas are valued. We hold a range of themed days and also invite visitors from reputable, professional organisations into school to enhance our teaching and learning provision.


We want our pupils to enjoy learning across the curriculum, to succeed, to be equipped for the modern world, and to be prepared for life and work within modern Britain. We want our pupils to understand and apply the British Values of Mutual Respect, Tolerance, Democracy, Liberty and Rule of Law and these are embedded within our school ethos and curriculum.


Through our carefully planned curriculum and cross curricular activities, we aim to boost our pupils' self esteem and confidence, and to inspire them to learn and succeed. We want to empower our children and we offer a safe learning environment in which they can discuss and share their ideas. We aim to provide our pupils with the skills, knowledge, attributes and understanding of how to lead healthy, independent lives and how to stay safe. We follow the PSHE Association's scheme of work and we have carefully adapted this to reflect the needs of all our pupils. We use the programme's three core themes which are Health and Well-being, Relationships and Living in the Wider World.


Areas of learning at Newburgh School include:

  • Developing social skills - taking turns, listening;
  • Mental health and well-being;
  • Positive, healthy relationships and friendships;
  • Healthy diets, exercise and lifestyles;
  • Positive personal attributes - self esteem, resilience, empathy and self confidence;
  • Drugs, alcohol and tobacco education;
  • Careers, finance and budgeting, enterprise, inspirations and aspirations;
  • Roles in society, the community and people who help us;
  • Growing up, changes and transitions;
  • Keeping safe and managing risks;
  • Local, regional and national news and topical issues;
  • Circle time activities, role-play,  group discussions and debates.


From September 2020 PSHE is a compulsory part of the national curriculum, we communicated with parents with regards to this.  Letter to parents - PSHE.

PSHE powerpoint

PSHE Policy

PSHE Progression of Knowledge

PSHE Long Term Curriculum 2023-2025

PSHE Curriculum Overview

Parents Guide to Relationships and Sex Education.

RSE Vocabulary for Each Year Group


PSHE Ambassadors' Wellbeing Newsletter


Our PSHE Ambassadors have written a Wellbeing Newsletter with ideas and activities to support Wellbeing.

Newsletter 1


Picture News

We use the Picture News resource during our weekly whole class Collective Worship. This invaluable resource is great at getting our pupils and staff alike to think about local and global news, current affairs and topical issues. These resources and photographs are then displayed on our whole school Picture News display board, where pupils can read further information texts and find out moer about the current news and headlines.


The children also get to discuss how the news makes them feel. These activities also open up questions for debate and it also encourages pupils to discuss and think about their own experiences, beliefs and values. The children get to vote and make decisions and they have the opportunity to think about their personal choices and the impact these have on the wider world. We make links to our whole school Gospel Values and also draw upon this learning and knowledge within our PSHE sessions and discussions in class. Many of the aspects of the Picture News debates link to our units of work on Relationships, Ourselves and Living in the Wider World.


The Rainbow Room


Please see our photographs of our newly decorated 'Rainbow Room' which is resourced and deployed for pastoral care and the delivery of our 'A Confident Me' and 'A Confident Mini' sessions. Mrs Kenyon, who has completed her 'Mental Health First Aid' and 'A Confident Me' training, delivers these sessions.

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A Confident Me/A Confident Mini


Mrs Kenyon delivers our 'A Confident Me' and 'A Confident Mini' programmes to a range of pupils from all year groups. 'A Confident Me' is specifically designed for children between the ages of 8 and 11, and 'A Confident Mini' is delivered to our younger pupils, between the ages of 4 and 7. this commenced following lockdown 2020 and continues to this day.


These programmes are used as an intervention tool to help children understand their feelings, embrace change, and to become empowered and more confident in their own abilities. They help children to unlock inner confidence and hidden worries that may prevent them from fully being themselves. The sessions are delivered over 12 weeks and cover 6 key themes which are centred upon social and emotional awareness.


Questionnaires are used at the beginning of the programme to establish a baseline and these are used once again at the end of the sessions to enable teachers and pupils to evaluate the effectiveness of the programme and address any other additional needs that may arise.


Please see the PowerPoint presentation all about the 'A Confident Me' for more information.

A Confident Mini (ages 4-7)


As part of our commitment to developing resilient learners we embarked upon a whole school programme to support all children. In the second half of the Spring Term 2022 our Reception children started their journey with A Confident Mini workshops. Children participated in emotional awareness workshops. The documents below give more information for parents/carers along with home challenges to support your child.

Parents Introductory Letter

Newsletter 1a

Newsletter 1b

A Confident Me


When school fully re-opened in September 2020 following Lockdown we committed to putting emotional resilience training for all children to support them and their return to education. All children participated in a 12 week course of workshops called A Confident Me. The documents below give more information for parents/carers along with home challenges to support children.

Parents Welcome Letter

Confident Me Presentation

Newsletter 1

Newsletter 2

Newsletter 3

Newsletter 4

Newsletter 5

Newsletter 6

Newsletter 7

Newsletter 8

Newsletter 9

Newsletter 10

Newsletter 11

Newsletter 12

Well-being at Newburgh


We have a number of clubs/groups that support the wellbeing of children at Newburgh:


The Shine Project

This is a self esteem project, it is a positive well-being intervention designed to help children discover their gifts and talents through a creative journey of self-discovery. It is delivered in small groups. There are 12 sessions which focus on self-awareness, self-esteem, resilience, positivity, empowerment and friendship. At the core of the programme are the five ways to wellbeing and each week children will have something concrete and tangible to take home to form part of their well-being toolkit.


Lego Lunch Club

Our Lego lunch club is run by Mrs Kenyon, the children have fun building models while also building on a range of skills including; teamwork, social, communication and language, problem solving, creative and physical skills. They also develop their patience, focus and concentration and crucially they increase their self confidence.


Well-Being Club

Our Well-being club is run by Mrs Kenyon; the programme helps to build children's knowledge and understanding, empowering them with a new found self belief. The new skills that they learn will help to embed positive habits and a healthy mind-set. It is delivered weekly and in small groups.

Experiencing PSHE at Newburgh

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Experiencing PSHE at Newburgh - image 6
Experiencing PSHE at Newburgh - image 7
Experiencing PSHE at Newburgh - image 8
Experiencing PSHE at Newburgh - image 9
Experiencing PSHE at Newburgh - image 10
Experiencing PSHE at Newburgh - image 11
Experiencing PSHE at Newburgh - image 12
Experiencing PSHE at Newburgh - image 13
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Experiencing PSHE at Newburgh - image 15
Experiencing PSHE at Newburgh - image 16
Experiencing PSHE at Newburgh - image 17
Experiencing PSHE at Newburgh - image 18
Experiencing PSHE at Newburgh - image 19
Experiencing PSHE at Newburgh - image 20
Experiencing PSHE at Newburgh - image 21

Careers & Aspirations Week


During the week commencing 19th June children participated in a range of activities connected to Careers and Aspirations these included:


Careers Fair. where children could meet people from various professions and find out about their line of work.

Edge Hill Trip. for Year 5 and 6 children to experience a university campus.

Work Experience. Year 5 and 6 children went on work experience around school

Chef Experience Day Year 3 and 4 children spent the day with a chef learning about food and how to prepare it.

Visits from Guest Speakers. Children had talks from a variety of speakers to explain about their line of work and the different roles and opportunities there are.


Please see our presentation celebrating the activities of this week.

Dentist Visit

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Dentist Visit - image 1
Dentist Visit - image 2
Dentist Visit - image 3
Dentist Visit - image 4
Dentist Visit - image 5
Dentist Visit - image 6
Dentist Visit - image 7

Inspirations and Aspirations Day


At Newburgh School, we understand that it is very important to teach our pupils about a wide range of careers and jobs and we encourage our pupils to think about their talents, interests and what they would possibly like to be when they grow up.


We also discuss the ever changing world with our pupils and explain to them that new jobs are being created and developed all of the time. We aim to provide our children with a knowledge of a range of careers and also to encourage them to think about what they enjoy, who inspires them and what they aspire to do in the future. We discuss short term and long term goals and we celebrate our successes in class and as a whole school.


We have held a very successful event, our 'Inspirations and Aspirations Day' that focused upon careers and our pupils' futures. The children came into school dressed as what they would like to be when they grew up and they had the opportunity to present their ideas, costumes and props to their peers. We talked about the different clubs that the children attended and the varying interests and hobbies that they had and how these could help to influence a future career choice. We also looked at role models and discussed a range of family members, famous people and celebrities that the children were inspired by. After this, the children were able to visit our careers fair with their class.


We had a range of visitors from different agencies and we aimed to cover a wide variety of careers. Our visitors had stalls in the school hall to showcase their work and answer questions from the children about their jobs and lives. These special visitors included: soldiers, police workers, supermarket and shop workers, environmental health, a beautician, musicians, librarians, computing and technology workers and also volunteers from The Samaritans.

Inspirations and Aspirations Day

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Inspirations and Aspirations Day - image 6
Inspirations and Aspirations Day - image 7
Inspirations and Aspirations Day - image 8
Inspirations and Aspirations Day - image 9

PSHE Overview


PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) teaching underpins all that we do at Newburgh School and PSHE curriculum is supported by our whole school vision and ethos. We are committed to providing high quality educational experiences for our pupils and we ensure that all children are listened to and that their opinions and ideas are valued. We hold a range of themed days and also invite visitors from reputable, professional organisations into school to enhance our teaching and learning provision.


We want our pupils to enjoy learning across the curriculum, to succeed, to be equipped for the modern world, and to be prepared for life and work within modern Britain. We want our pupils to understand and apply the British Values of Mutual Respect, Tolerance, Democracy, Liberty and Rule of Law and these are embedded within our school ethos and curriculum.


Through our carefully planned curriculum and cross curricular activities, we aim to boost our pupils' self esteem and confidence, and to inspire them to learn and succeed. We want to empower our children and we offer a safe learning environment in which they can discuss and share their ideas. We aim to provide our pupils with the skills, knowledge, attributes and understanding of how to lead healthy, independent lives and how to stay safe. We follow the PSHE Association's scheme of work and we have carefully adapted this to reflect the needs of all our pupils. We use the programme's three core themes which are Health and Well-being, Relationships and Living in the Wider World.


Areas of learning at Newburgh School include:

  • Developing social skills - taking turns, listening;
  • Mental health and well-being;
  • Positive, healthy relationships and friendships;
  • Healthy diets, exercise and lifestyles;
  • Positive personal attributes - self esteem, resilience, empathy and self confidence;
  • Drugs, alcohol and tobacco education;
  • Careers, finance and budgeting, enterprise, inspirations and aspirations;
  • Roles in society, the community and people who help us;
  • Growing up, changes and transitions;
  • Keeping safe and managing risks;
  • Local, regional and national news and topical issues;
  • Circle time activities, role-play,  group discussions and debates.


From September 2020 PSHE is a compulsory part of the national curriculum, we communicated with parents with regards to this.  Letter to parents - PSHE.

PSHE powerpoint

PSHE Policy

PSHE Progression of Knowledge

PSHE Long Term Curriculum 2023-2025

PSHE Curriculum Overview

Parents Guide to Relationships and Sex Education.

RSE Vocabulary for Each Year Group


PSHE Ambassadors' Wellbeing Newsletter


Our PSHE Ambassadors have written a Wellbeing Newsletter with ideas and activities to support Wellbeing.

Newsletter 1


Picture News

We use the Picture News resource during our weekly whole class Collective Worship. This invaluable resource is great at getting our pupils and staff alike to think about local and global news, current affairs and topical issues. These resources and photographs are then displayed on our whole school Picture News display board, where pupils can read further information texts and find out moer about the current news and headlines.


The children also get to discuss how the news makes them feel. These activities also open up questions for debate and it also encourages pupils to discuss and think about their own experiences, beliefs and values. The children get to vote and make decisions and they have the opportunity to think about their personal choices and the impact these have on the wider world. We make links to our whole school Gospel Values and also draw upon this learning and knowledge within our PSHE sessions and discussions in class. Many of the aspects of the Picture News debates link to our units of work on Relationships, Ourselves and Living in the Wider World.


The Rainbow Room


Please see our photographs of our newly decorated 'Rainbow Room' which is resourced and deployed for pastoral care and the delivery of our 'A Confident Me' and 'A Confident Mini' sessions. Mrs Kenyon, who has completed her 'Mental Health First Aid' and 'A Confident Me' training, delivers these sessions.

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Gallery - image 1

A Confident Me/A Confident Mini


Mrs Kenyon delivers our 'A Confident Me' and 'A Confident Mini' programmes to a range of pupils from all year groups. 'A Confident Me' is specifically designed for children between the ages of 8 and 11, and 'A Confident Mini' is delivered to our younger pupils, between the ages of 4 and 7. this commenced following lockdown 2020 and continues to this day.


These programmes are used as an intervention tool to help children understand their feelings, embrace change, and to become empowered and more confident in their own abilities. They help children to unlock inner confidence and hidden worries that may prevent them from fully being themselves. The sessions are delivered over 12 weeks and cover 6 key themes which are centred upon social and emotional awareness.


Questionnaires are used at the beginning of the programme to establish a baseline and these are used once again at the end of the sessions to enable teachers and pupils to evaluate the effectiveness of the programme and address any other additional needs that may arise.


Please see the PowerPoint presentation all about the 'A Confident Me' for more information.

A Confident Mini (ages 4-7)


As part of our commitment to developing resilient learners we embarked upon a whole school programme to support all children. In the second half of the Spring Term 2022 our Reception children started their journey with A Confident Mini workshops. Children participated in emotional awareness workshops. The documents below give more information for parents/carers along with home challenges to support your child.

Parents Introductory Letter

Newsletter 1a

Newsletter 1b

A Confident Me


When school fully re-opened in September 2020 following Lockdown we committed to putting emotional resilience training for all children to support them and their return to education. All children participated in a 12 week course of workshops called A Confident Me. The documents below give more information for parents/carers along with home challenges to support children.

Parents Welcome Letter

Confident Me Presentation

Newsletter 1

Newsletter 2

Newsletter 3

Newsletter 4

Newsletter 5

Newsletter 6

Newsletter 7

Newsletter 8

Newsletter 9

Newsletter 10

Newsletter 11

Newsletter 12

Well-being at Newburgh


We have a number of clubs/groups that support the wellbeing of children at Newburgh:


The Shine Project

This is a self esteem project, it is a positive well-being intervention designed to help children discover their gifts and talents through a creative journey of self-discovery. It is delivered in small groups. There are 12 sessions which focus on self-awareness, self-esteem, resilience, positivity, empowerment and friendship. At the core of the programme are the five ways to wellbeing and each week children will have something concrete and tangible to take home to form part of their well-being toolkit.


Lego Lunch Club

Our Lego lunch club is run by Mrs Kenyon, the children have fun building models while also building on a range of skills including; teamwork, social, communication and language, problem solving, creative and physical skills. They also develop their patience, focus and concentration and crucially they increase their self confidence.


Well-Being Club

Our Well-being club is run by Mrs Kenyon; the programme helps to build children's knowledge and understanding, empowering them with a new found self belief. The new skills that they learn will help to embed positive habits and a healthy mind-set. It is delivered weekly and in small groups.

Experiencing PSHE at Newburgh

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Experiencing PSHE at Newburgh - image 6
Experiencing PSHE at Newburgh - image 7
Experiencing PSHE at Newburgh - image 8
Experiencing PSHE at Newburgh - image 9
Experiencing PSHE at Newburgh - image 10
Experiencing PSHE at Newburgh - image 11
Experiencing PSHE at Newburgh - image 12
Experiencing PSHE at Newburgh - image 13
Experiencing PSHE at Newburgh - image 14
Experiencing PSHE at Newburgh - image 15
Experiencing PSHE at Newburgh - image 16
Experiencing PSHE at Newburgh - image 17
Experiencing PSHE at Newburgh - image 18
Experiencing PSHE at Newburgh - image 19
Experiencing PSHE at Newburgh - image 20
Experiencing PSHE at Newburgh - image 21

Careers & Aspirations Week


During the week commencing 19th June children participated in a range of activities connected to Careers and Aspirations these included:


Careers Fair. where children could meet people from various professions and find out about their line of work.

Edge Hill Trip. for Year 5 and 6 children to experience a university campus.

Work Experience. Year 5 and 6 children went on work experience around school

Chef Experience Day Year 3 and 4 children spent the day with a chef learning about food and how to prepare it.

Visits from Guest Speakers. Children had talks from a variety of speakers to explain about their line of work and the different roles and opportunities there are.


Please see our presentation celebrating the activities of this week.

Dentist Visit

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Dentist Visit - image 1
Dentist Visit - image 2
Dentist Visit - image 3
Dentist Visit - image 4
Dentist Visit - image 5
Dentist Visit - image 6
Dentist Visit - image 7

Inspirations and Aspirations Day


At Newburgh School, we understand that it is very important to teach our pupils about a wide range of careers and jobs and we encourage our pupils to think about their talents, interests and what they would possibly like to be when they grow up.


We also discuss the ever changing world with our pupils and explain to them that new jobs are being created and developed all of the time. We aim to provide our children with a knowledge of a range of careers and also to encourage them to think about what they enjoy, who inspires them and what they aspire to do in the future. We discuss short term and long term goals and we celebrate our successes in class and as a whole school.


We have held a very successful event, our 'Inspirations and Aspirations Day' that focused upon careers and our pupils' futures. The children came into school dressed as what they would like to be when they grew up and they had the opportunity to present their ideas, costumes and props to their peers. We talked about the different clubs that the children attended and the varying interests and hobbies that they had and how these could help to influence a future career choice. We also looked at role models and discussed a range of family members, famous people and celebrities that the children were inspired by. After this, the children were able to visit our careers fair with their class.


We had a range of visitors from different agencies and we aimed to cover a wide variety of careers. Our visitors had stalls in the school hall to showcase their work and answer questions from the children about their jobs and lives. These special visitors included: soldiers, police workers, supermarket and shop workers, environmental health, a beautician, musicians, librarians, computing and technology workers and also volunteers from The Samaritans.

Inspirations and Aspirations Day

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Inspirations and Aspirations Day - image 9