Pupil Premium


Pupil Premium is additional funding given to schools to support pupils who are eligible. There are a variety of reasons why your child may be entitled to this funding:

  • If they are on Free School Meals or have been at any point in the last 6 years.
  • If they are a Looked After Child (in the care of the Local Authority)
  • If they have previously been a Looked After Child and are now adopted from care or are under a Special Guardianship Order or a Child Arrangement Order or a Residence Order.
  • If they have a parent in the military or has been in the military over the past 5 years or are in receipt of a child pension from the Ministry of Defence.

We use evidence-based approaches (including recommendations from the Education Endowment Foundation) to support children entitled to this funding as well as strategies and resources we have reviewed and evaluated within school as being effective for our children. Please read the information below which given details of our Pupil Premium fund and how we allocate this.


At Newburgh our Pupil Premium Champions are Mrs Fowler (Headteacher) and Mrs Ambrose (Chair of Governors). 

The Designated Teacher for looked after children (and previously looked after children) is Mrs Fowler.


Our Pupil Premium Strategy highlights the amount of funding we receive and our plans for spending for the school year.


Pupil Premium Strategy 2024-2025 3 Year Strategy


Pupil Premium Strategy 2023-2024 including evaluation of 2022-2023


Pupil Premium Strategy 2022-2023 including evaluation of 2021-2022


Pupil Premium Grant Summary 2020-2021

Our Pupil Premium statement for 2020/2021 is here.