

As a pupil in Year 6 you are eligible to apply to be a Prefect. Being a Prefect at our school is a very privileged role and one that should be taken very seriously. As a Prefect you will be expected to be a great role model to all the other children, from wearing your school uniform and looking smart to following the school rules.


Pupils are asked at the end of Year 5 to think about making an application to become a school Prefect. They are provided with an application form to complete in order to demonstrate the qualities needed to successfully fill this role. You may be working on some of the qualities but as long as you are committed to being the best that you can be no one can ask for more! 


The qualities we are looking for are:

  1. Being responsible.
  2. Being organised.
  3. Being good at listening.
  4. Being well behaved.
  5. Being a team player.
  6. Being a great role model.

Application forms are collected early in September so our Year 6 Prefects can be announced during our Welcome Worship in church.


Application Form