

It can be difficult to know when to keep a child home from school. The NHS has guidelines for parents to help. Some illnesses do require a period of time at home to reduce the spread of infection (a stomach bug is 48 hours from the last symptom).


If a child appears unwell in school we will contact the first priority contact. If we can not reach that person we will work through the contacts in order of priority.


To keep children healthy in school we practice good hand hygiene with children washing their hands with soap and water regularly throughout the day. We also reinforce the 'Catch It, Bin It, Kill It' approach with children.



It can be difficult to know when to keep a child home from school. The NHS has guidelines for parents to help. Some illnesses do require a period of time at home to reduce the spread of infection (a stomach bug is 48 hours from the last symptom).


If a child appears unwell in school we will contact the first priority contact. If we can not reach that person we will work through the contacts in order of priority.


To keep children healthy in school we practice good hand hygiene with children washing their hands with soap and water regularly throughout the day. We also reinforce the 'Catch It, Bin It, Kill It' approach with children.